Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Kennathimor's Knighting Cloak

At Birka this past year, Kennathimor Gierson was knighted. The Worshipful Company created a cloak for him with wool applique along the bottom. I did one of the simpler symbols - the Northern Army badge. Others included his device and the Lochleven badge. All of the appliques were done using wool felt and thick wool thread.
This post is much belated in the hopes that I would find a good picture of the finished cloak, but unfortunately that is not to be. Instead, have this glimpse of the embroidery in a photo of his buffet.
Duchess Thyra was nice enough to provide me with a good picture of the cloak, as displayed by Cassandra Grey!
Displaying 20170116_203825.jpg
Picture by Thyra Eiriksdotter