Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Laurel Handkerchief

Last March, my friend Isabel was given her Laurel. It was a wonderful vigil and very much deserved. I was also quite glad when I was given the opportunity to participate in a small way.
I'm not sure if the handkerchiefs were specifically requested, or her friends just know that they might be needed in this situation. The plan was for handkerchiefs to be embroidered, and throughout the vigil the guests would each add a stitch or two to the hem.
I had plans to make more than one, but the second one was one of the more spectacular embroidery failures I have ever had. I also have pictures of it, so you'll have to take my word for it - there was blackwork and her device. And blackwork on this tiny linen in strange shapes was not something I was prepared for.
But! A laurel leaf in silk was successful.

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